
Monday, January 24, 2011

Making Snow Ice Cream

I've heard all of these stories about making snow ice cream.  Well, the kids' science lesson was on snow and how God made the different seasons, so I decided that this would be nice tie in!  I googled snow ice cream and here's the recipe I used, (or actually didn't use......)

1 gallon of snow (which we used what we could fit in our bowls)
1 cup of sugar (we did to taste)
1 tsp of vanilla extract
2 cups of milk (or until it's the consistency you like)

And stir, and stir, and stir, and stir some more.........



Princess Dora and her kitchen skills

stirring some more.....

waiting for the delicious finished product....


finishing touches.....yummmm....chocolate chips!!!!!

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