We've started school over in our neck of the woods (actually bean field). We started early in August this year, because we really like to take the whole month of December off. I am also schooling twin 4 year olds this year for preschool, and so we needed to jump into a routine before they started coming. We are continuing on with Heart of Dakota again this year. I've been asked several times how I organize all the books with 3 kids in 3 different guides. So here is some pictures of how we do things.
I use a "tweaked" workbox system. Each child has their own drawer with the books they are currently using. |
Next to that is where we store games, play-doh, and other educational tools. |
*Funny story from reading time this week* - Derek came to me just giggling like crazy, and said, "Hey Mom!! Listen to this!!" He proceeded to read to me out of Black Beauty, "I would be happy to take you, ma'am. Where would you like to go?" "To Paddington Station, please." Just laughing, he said, "You think they saw the bear, mom?" Too cute, Derek, too cute!! Oh, how I wish I could keep my children just like this forever!! It's the small moments just like this, I wouldn't trade for the world!
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge,
But fools despise wisdom and instruction.
Proverbs 1:7